My Portfolio (2023-2024)

Reflecting on my Junior Year

Table of Contents

Description: I reflect on my most challenging assignment and the skills that I have gained.

Reflecting back on the calendar year. Picture of a calendar.
Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

Change for the Better

Unlike my typical blogs, this post is going to be an entirely personal reflection and is meant as a record of what I feel now that I have officially finished my junior year in WEB. And, while I want no one to mistake my next comment as an admission that I did not like this year (I loved it), I want to say this; THANK YOU, LORD! Despite this being my favorite year learning in my shop, it certainly wasn’t a breeze. I had anticipated a different learning style when my shop teacher changed, but I was still a bit nervous to see just how much of a change there would be. But, now that I’m here at the end, I am excited to share my experience with all of you and shout out to all my other peers in and out of my WEB class that inspired me to always try harder.

A picture of a pencil and a "J" logo design.
Image by tookapic from Pixabay

Logo Reflection

Without, hopefully, going too deep into the more technical stuff, I definitely had a huge learning curve for my design skills to struggle through before things started making more sense to me. Whoever wrote the first blog post about being “excited to learn more about colors” and wanting to express their more creative side hasn’t spent hours drawing logos to see which one suited them best only for the class to choose the design that I hated the most. And while I could dredge on about how much this assignment was the bane of my existence, this is a reflection post, not a complaining one. While completing this assignment, I didn’t really understand what to take away from it, other than the fact that I did not like designing logos. But, as things always work for a purpose, the skills that I learned to finish this assignment ended up helping me further down the line. While it took me hours to complete that assignment, when a logo needed to be created for my group’s final project, my group and I were able to come up with a final design in minutes! Minutes! That’s a huge growth!

Skills to Pay the Bills

I have learned so many new things this year that I would have to write forever to explain them all and how they will help me. One of the most important skills that, reflecting on, I am more than grateful to have been taught, is how to market. All year, we were taught how to better present to a client and how to market ourselves or our products to them. People skills are difficult to learn, but after a year of it, I became skilled enough at it to officially secure myself a job in my field. I might not have been able to reach these people and have these connections had it not been for the encouragement and guidance of my teacher. I’ve also had the opportunity to grow my technical skills as well including MySQL, React, Databases, PHP, and even WordPress. I was able to grow a lot this year as a developer, and now I get to better some of these skills and even gain new ones at my new job, and I can’t wait!

Reflection Summary

Throughout the year, I grew my skills and furthered my knowledge in my program, but I also had the opportunity to grow as a person. Each time I faced a challenge that irritated me or that was incredibly difficult, I learned new ways to work through it. I have become a better teammate and have learned the best practices that I can use in my field. I spent so much time working hard this year and putting in my best efforts, and it has all paid off. Plus, I got to have a lot of fun along the way. This was an excellent year and a huge learning point in my life, and I can’t wait to reflect as a senior to see how much I have grown while working in the field!

Oh! And to my favorite teacher!

A Thank You to my teacher.