My Portfolio (2023-2024)

Website Security Trends 2024

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Description: Exploring the website security trends 2024 and what you should know going forward.

A picture of a computer and website security trends.
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Website Security

When it comes to website security, like almost everything else digital, trends can move in and out of the spotlight, meaning that certain trends can become more popular while others fall out of style. Every web developer can benefit from staying on top of these trends. They help to ensure that you are implementing the best security for your clients or personal websites. Not only does staying up-to-date with the security trends help prevent cyber attacks on possibly outdated tech, but it also shows potential clients that you can keep up with the ever-changing trends and that they benefit from you continuing to offer your skills. Website backups alone just won’t cut it anymore.

5 Website Security Trends

As 2023 wraps up and we roll into the new year, knowing the most common threats out there to be on alert for can help prevent security risks on your website. By knowing the information now, you can research preventive methods to protect your website from future cyber threats. As they say, the best offense is a strong defense.

Artificial Intelligence

The conversation of AI was a popular topic of discussion in the news in 2023. AI, with its countless potential to help improve many aspects of the world, is sadly being used for less-than-legal reasons. While AI has helped make great improvements in the cybersecurity field, the website security trends here show it is also being used to develop smart malware and attacks to bypass the latest security protocols in controlling data.

Sights on Cellular

Over the years, there has been a %50 increase in the amount of cyber attacks directed at mobile banking. With many websites having a mobile view, this can lead to problems down the road if you aren’t prepared. And it’s not just the threat it poses to the website itself. If you’re running a business through your mobile website, your revenue can be greatly impacted if a cyber attack locks you out from accepting orders or contacting your clients.

Data Breaches: Prime Target

It’s good to not only be aware of the website security trends in your part of the world but in other parts of the world as well. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was a regulation long since implemented in Europe, “offering data protection and privacy for individuals in the European Union(EU).”

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a security measure that helps protect your personal information and website by adding an extra layer of protection against threats trying to break in. “It is a security measure that requires users to provide more than one form of authentication before they can access an account.” This is the most important trend, in my opinion, as you probably use MFA every day, and with automation becoming increasingly important in cybersecurity, using MFA is a relatively easy way to prevent any cyber threats. “Automated security processes can help reduce the time it takes to detect and respond to threats and improve the accuracy of threat detection.”

An open, high-tech door knob signifying security that has been opened.
Photo by Pixabay

Keeping the Advantage

With all the website security trends mentioned, and many more not stated, it can be almost overwhelming thinking about the all threats you have to pay attention to and defend against. It can get costly for you or your client to purchase and defend against all the threats but keep in mind that the threats mentioned might not truly be a cause for concern for you. It is a case-by-case scenario, and only you know what threats pose a risk and which ones are just cool things to know about. Just remember to compare the true risk these website security trends pose for you.